episode 2
int. brady house – living room
There’s a knock on the door.  HOPE opens it to see STEVE standing there. They embrace.
Thanks for coming, Steve. Come in.
They walk over to the couch and sit down.
I came as quickly as I could.  Are you sure you’re up for this?  I don’t want to see you get your hopes up and get hurt all over again.
I can handle it Steve.  I know in my heart Bo’s alive.  I can feel it.  And I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try to find him.
OK.  You know can count on me.  But I’m not sure this is something we can handle on our own.  I talked to Shane last night and he and Kim are on the way.
Int. brady house – later
There’s a knock on the door.  HOPE gets up off the couch to go open the door while STEVE is working on a laptop.  SHANE and KIMBERLY are standing on the porch outside.
Oh Shane! Kimberly! I’m so glad you’re here. You don’t know how much this means to me!
We wouldn’t have it any other way!
Steve filled us in about Bo. Do you really think my brother might be alive?
I know this might sound crazy, but Kimberly, I just have this feeling deep down in my heart.  You know how Bo and I have this connection...I feel him. I really feel him...and I’ve seen him.
Wait – what do you mean you’ve seen him? Where?
Well, I’ve been having these visions...I can see Bo...but he’s not here.  
And that’s why you need our help  to check out Victor’s other estates.
SHANE, now retired from the ISA, still has many contacts.  After the espionage charges were dropped, STEVE was not allowed to return to the ISA. Both feel this will probably complicate things and cause some slow-downs. But HOPE’S belief is so strong that she knows they are on the right track.
I know you’re not going to like this Hope, but I think we should also call Billie. She’s still at the ISA and we could really use her help as an inside contact.
I don’t know if I want her involved, Shane.  We don’t exactly see eye to eye.
int. dimera mansion - flashback
Flashbacks to May 6,2005 of HOPE punching BILLIE.
int. brady house - present   
HOPE is reluctant to contact BILLE. With so much history between BO, Billie and herself, she doesn't want to drudge all those memories up. But she gives her head a shake and pushes that all aside – for Bo.
OK fine – but let me call her – I’ve got a few things I’d like to say to her.

SHANE and STEVE comically glance at each other, rolling their eyes with “oh boy” thoughts in their heads. Hope walks out to the kitchen while dialing on her cell phone.
int. brady house - kitchen
Billie, it’s Hope.  Please don’t hang up.  I need to talk to you about Bo.
int. brady house – living room
HOPE returns from the kitchen.
Good news. Billie says she’s on board. She’s going to pull a few strings and see what she can come up with at the ISA. She also said Chelsea’s jumping on the next flight to Salem. She wants to help find her dad.
Great.  We’re going to need all the help we can get. And we’re going to need 100% from everyone involved.
You’ve got my support, Hope. 100%.
Me too.
Count me in.
(with an appreciative smile)
Thanks, you don’t know how much that means to me. In that case, I’ve got another call to make.
HOPE starts dialling her phone again.
(with a look of conflict on her face)
Abe? Abe, listen to me very closely.  Something has come up – something very important that’s going to need my full attention.  I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me. I am going to have to step down from the Commissioner’s position.
(muffled but loud argument) 
Abe, Abe, Abe - please hear me out. I want you to appoint Rafe in my absence. He’s already up to speed on all my cases. We can talk more about it later – I really don’t have time to argue with you right now. Please Abe, as your friend, I need you to do this for me. Please.
(inaudible response)
Thank you. Yes...OK...I will.  Thanks Abe. I will let you know if there’s anything you can do - I just might have to take you up on that. 
HOPE hangs up. Hope looks up and sees SHANE, KIMBERLY, STEVE, and KAYLA, all busy making plans. Hope realizes she better talk to RAFE, but tensions have been high between them since SAMI returned. She slips out the door without being noticed.
int.police station
HOPE runs into the police station and sees RAFE standing looking at the contents of a folder.  She grabs him by the arm and pulls him into the conference room, shutting the door for privacy.
Rafe, we need to talk.
This sounds serious.
(speaking quickly)
You know I care about you, and you know how important honesty is to me.  So I need to be honest with you right now.
Hope – back up a minute - what’s going on?
(almost speaking to herself)
Oh God, I hate this.
Hate what? Would you please tell me what is going on!
Rafe, you know I love you...
(he says with confusion)
...but I know Bo is alive.
(pause, silence from Rafe who has a look of disbelief on his face)
I need to find him, Rafe.
(pause, still silence)
Rafe? Rafe, say something. I’m so sorry.  The last thing I want to do is hurt you.
No, do you know this, Hope? How do you know this isn’t another one of Dimera’s schemes?
I can feel him, Rafe.
(with disbelief)
Look, I know you and Bo had this connection...but I really think you need to slow down here.
I don’t have time to slow down.  In fact, I told Abe that I’m resigning as police commissioner and I recommended that you take over.
You what?
I’ve got a lead and I’m leaving tonight.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, you-
(puts her hand up and interrupts)
Don’t worry! I’m not going alone.
Well who-
No time to explain. I’ll call you when I get there.
HOPE quickly kisses RAFE on the cheek, smiles at him and turns to leave.    
(completely caught off-guard, yelling after a departing Hope)
Wait - where’s there? Hope! Think about this a minute! Hope, wait!
HOPE stops at the door and turns to look at RAFE.
I’m not going to be able to change your mind, am I?
Well, if you need anything...anything at just call me, OK?
I will.
HOPE smiles with a spark in her eye and a raised eyebrow, then turns and disappears out the door.
RAFE is visibly upset. He knows how much Hope loved Bo and he knows there's no point in fighting her on this. 
int. the brady pub
ROMAN is drying beer glasses at the bar. HOPE rushes up to the bar.
Roman – I need your help.  It’s a matter of life and death.
ROMAN looks at HOPE with concerned face.
int. brady house – living room
HOPE and ROMAN enter the house to find SHANE, KIMBERLY, STEVE, and KAYLA still heavily in discussion.
Hey - look what the cat dragged in!
STEVE and ROMAN embrace.
Wow – looks like you’ve assembled quite the A-Team here.
KAYLA and KIMBERLY give their brother ROMAN a group hug.
int. victor’s mansion
VICTOR sits on the couch and watches as MAGGIE heads out the front door. Once he is convinced she’s gone, he picks up the phone and dials.
Is there any change?
INT. one of victor’s other mansions - foreign country
dr. rolf
No, there's no change. Removing Bo’s tumor was successful, but Bo still has no memories.  You knew there may be complications with such a risky procedure. You have to have patience, Victor.
int. victor’s mansion
I’m fresh out.
INT. one of victor’s other mansions - foreign country
dr. rolf
Maybe you could send some more photographs of Bo with Hope, Shawn Douglas, and Ciara?  I need more pictures of the Brady family if we’re going to make any breakthroughs.
int. victor’s mansion
Where am I going to get pictures?
(with sarcasm)
Do you expect me to just ask Hope and tell her I’m working on a scrap book...or that I’m suddenly feeling sentimental? Gee - that won’t raise any suspicion.
Victor slams down the phone in disgust. He looks over to the mantle where there are family photos that MAGGIE has put up.  He gets an idea.  Maybe there is a way...
(with a smile)
ext. one of victor’s other mansions - foreign country
fade to:
int. foreign bedroom
BO is sitting in bed. He slowly gets up and walk to the window. Bo looks out at the ocean and suddenly has a memory.
ext. fancy face – boat deck - flashback
Flashback to 1987 of BO & HOPE sailing on the Fancy Face. We see a close-up of the boat name.
fade to:
SPLIT SCREEN - int. foreign bedroom present – int. brady house
Split screen of BO staring out the window, confused, wondering what the Fancy Face boat name means (RS), while we also see HOPE staring longingly out her window at the starry sky (LS).