Episode 10
ext. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – front foyer
SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN are standing in the front foyer looking all around at the spectacular palace.
Does anybody else feel like they're being watched?
We very well could be. But we need to check out as many rooms as possible before we overstay our welcome.
ROMAN has already started opening drawers and looking through things on a table.
There’s got to be something here...some sort of clue that will lead us to Bo.
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – secret room
The MYSTERY MAN sits in the dark with his glass of brandy looking at the security monitors. He is watching SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN as they continue their search.
mystery man
Bo Brady...interesting. Now why, my dear uninvited guests, would you be searching here for a man who’s dead and buried?
(pause as he plays with the ring on his finger)
I can assure you, if you don't get out of here soon, you might just join your precious Bo.
ext. victor’s italian Mansion – front entrance
STEVE and KAYLA step up to 15ft-tall, imposing hardwood doors. Kayla rings the bell. The door opens to reveal a female housekeeper, ISABELLA. Steve recognizes the housekeeper from the photos of employees provided by Billie.
Hi, do you speak English?
Oh good. Our car broke down near the end of your driveway there, and wouldn’t you know, our cell phone is dead.
That’s my fault, I’ve been taking way too many pictures. We’re tourists.
KAYLA gives the housekeeper a nervous smile. STEVE grabs Kayla’s hand quickly to get her to relax.
May we use your phone to call a tow truck?
(with a thick Italian accent)
Ci, ci, please come in. My name is Isabella.
ISABELLA opens the doors fully to reveal a beautiful marble foyer. STEVE and KAYLA step inside.
Nice to meet you Isabella. Would you happen to know of any repair shops in the area?
There is a phone there on the table. You may call information for a tow truck. I really don’t know of any repair shops, but I am sure the tow truck driver will be able to help you.
Thank you.
STEVE picks up the phone as Kayla and Isabella watch.
Information? Do you speak English?
Great. Can you give me the number for a tow truck...preferably someone who speaks English.
(cupping the receiver and talking to the women)
He’s putting me through.
(pause, into the phone)
Yeah hi, I need a tow truck at-
(cupping the receiver and talking to the women)
What’s the address here?
Just tell them you are at the Kiriakis Vineyards. They will know where that is.
We’re at the Kiriakis Vineyards.
(pause, into the phone)
OK great – thank you.
STEVE hangs up the phone.
It’s gonna be a while. I guess we’ll just wait outside. Mind if we check out the grounds while we wait?
Be my guest. I can let you know once the tow truck has arrived. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your names.
I’m Kayla and this is my husband Steve. Thanks again, Isabella.
ISABELLA nods graciously. STEVE and KAYLA exit the mansion. Isabella closes the door behind them.
ext. victor’s italian Mansion – vineyards
We see the 4 WORKERS in the vineyard. One of them is visibly shackled but we only see him from behind and cannot see his face. The SHACKLED MAN starts to sit down.
(motioning for the shackled man to stand up)
In piedi! In piedi!
The SHACKLED MAN glances down at the ground and wills himself slowly to his feet. We see STEVE and KAYLA approaching the vineyards from the other side of the hedge row.
int. victor’s greek mansion – bedroom
HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA are gathered together looking at a pair of men’s shoes in Hope’s hands.
These are your father's shoes. I know it! Your father wore size 11 on his left foot, and size 11 and a half on his right.
(with gentle skepticism)
Mom...I wear 2 different size shoes as well. It doesn’t necessarily mean-
Shawn - I know these are your dad's shoes. I know he's alive... and now I know he's here in this house!
And what about these?
CHELSEA runs over to an open drawer that she had been looking in earlier.
I found these magazines earlier and I didn’t really think anything of it.
(holding up the magazines to show the others)
They’re sailing magazines. Do you think they could be dad’s?
Oh my God – that was your dad’s favorite magazine!
(rushing over and grabbing the magazine out of Chelsea’s hand with a hint of agitation)
I’m telling you – he’s here. He’s here in this house!
Mom – I believe you! Let's just calm down and keep looking. He's obviously not up here now, so let's take the search down stairs.
(taking a deep breath)
OK honey, you’re right. But let’s move. We’re close – I can feel it.
HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA run out of the room.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
DR. ROLF, VICTOR, and BO are now all nervously pacing the tunnels.
Bo – sit down. You’re going to wear a hole in the ground.
BO turns and walks away from VICTOR and DR. ROLF. The two lean in close to one another to talk privately once they see Bo is out of earshot.
Dr. Rolf
(quietly to Victor)
The longer we are here, the more upset Bo seems to be getting. This is not good for him, Victor.
(in an agitated loud whisper)
Don’t you think I know that? Maybe I made a mistake.  Maybe I should have told Hope everything.
Dr. Rolf
You had no choice - the surgery was very risky. Bo could easily have died. After it was almost like he was a child. We had to teach him everything...he could not walk, he could not talk, he had no memory. He was very fragile. He is still very fragile. Look at him.
VICTOR and DR. ROLF look over their shoulders at Bo in the BG who has his head in his hands and is visibly upset.
dr. rolf
If we were to introduce Bo to his family now he might go into shock. He can barely handle the fact that we are down in the tunnels! 
VICTOR has a long hard look at BO.
You’re right. We’ll have to stay down here until they leave.
BO approaches.
Dad, how much longer do we have to be down here? Why can’t I just go back to my room.
BO heads toward the stairway. VICTOR sternly grabs him by the arm. Suddenly, Bo has a memory flashback.
int. GALA - flashback
Flashback to May 23, 1986 (original footage) of BO holding a gun on VICTOR and Caroline yelling at Bo not to shoot because he's his father.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels – present
BO snaps out of his memory. He is standing with one foot up the stairway. He turns and looks back at VICTOR with confusion, a bit of betrayal, and tears in his eyes.
WIPe to:
split screen – int. GREEK mansion tunnels – int. upstairs hallway
We see VICTOR holding BO’s arm. Bo has one foot on the stairs looking intently back at VICTOR and turns to look up the stairs (LS), while we see HOPE walking down the hallway towards the stairs with SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA following behind her (RS).