Episode 11
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
BO and VICTOR are standing at the base of the stairway. Bo has a memory flashback.
int. GALA - flashback
Flashback to May 23, 1986 (original footage) of BO holding a gun on VICTOR and Caroline yelling at Bo not to shoot because he's his father.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels – present
BO snaps out of his memory. Bo turns to Victor with tears in his eyes.
Dad I’m sorry...I’m so sorry.
What is it son? What's wrong?
Dr. Rolf
 (quietly, to himself)
We can't stay down here much longer. Years and years of therapy to get Bo to where he is could all be destroyed in a matter of hours.
int. victor’s greek mansion – upstairs hallway
HOPE, CHELSEA, SHAWN and CIARA head down the stairs to the main level of the mansion when Hope suddenly stops. She has a new vision. She sees BO crying. Hope is visibly shaken as she snaps out of her vision.
Mom, are you OK?
I’m fine.
You’re not fine. What is it?
It's OK. Let's just get back to the search. We need to find your dad.
CHELSEA pulls out the blueprints her mom sent.
K...we’ve searched everything upstairs. On this floor we have the living room, dining room, the study – whatever that is...the library, kitchen, servants quarters, and some sort of...medical wing.
CHELSEA looks up and her eyes meet HOPE’S. Hope smiles with a raised eyebrow.
That's where we will start.
ext. victor’s italian Mansion – vineyards
KAYLA and STEVE walk toward the vineyard where we see the 4 WORKERS. The SHACKLED MAN is now back on his feet, picking grapes and placing them in the basket with the others.
Good afternoon everyone.
The lead worker, MICHAEL, steps up and extends his hand to shake STEVE’S.
Good afternoon. My name is Michael. Isabella radioed down and told me about your car breaking down. Feel free to walk the grounds while you wait for a tow truck.
Yeah, thanks. I’m Steve and this is my wife Kayla.
Nice to meet both of you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to work.
STEVE is a little put-off by MICHAEL’S abruptness but wants to continue the small-talk in the hopes that he gets information about the SHACKLED MAN without arousing suspicion.
This is quite the estate you have here.
(continues working and speaks without looking up)
Yes, it's beautiful isn't it.
KAYLA is discreetly trying to get a good look at the SHACKLED MAN who is facing away from them as he's picking grapes and putting them in the basket.
Quite beautiful. Do you all live here?
Yes. We tend to the vineyards, as well as the rest of the property.
Wow. So the owner of this place, does he live here too? Is he around much?
What’s with all the questions? If you don’t mind, we need to get back to work. Please - enjoy your walk.
KAYLA can't take her eyes off the SHACKLED MAN.
(with raised hands in defense)
Just tryin’ to be friendly, man.
STEVE grabs KAYLA’S hand and gives her a little tug.
Thank you.
STEVE and KAYLA go to walk past the rest of the WORKERS when they hear ISABELLA (OS) calling them.
Excuse me! Your tow truck has arrived!
KAYLA quickly glances back towards the WORKERS. The SHACKLED MAN has turned to reveal his face and their eyes meet. Kayla stops in her tracks. She recognizes the face of EJ DiMera.
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – library
SHANE, KIMBERLY and ROMAN are all standing in the library, exhausted after searching the palace.
Well, this has been a huge waste of time. We’ve searched this place top to bottom and haven’t found a damn thing.
At least we can check it off the list, and hopefully the others have had better luck.
Meanwhile in the BG, KIMBERLY continues to look at all the books. She pulls one partially out to take a look and pushes it back in place...then another...and another. She looks up a shelf and sees a book entitled “Salem”.
(quietly, to herself)
That’s strange.
KIMBERLY pulls the library ladder over and climbs up to get the book. As she pulls the book, a hidden passageway door opens.
SHANE and ROMAN are startled by the sound and look over at the open passageway. They all stare wide-eyed and open-mouthed.
wipe to:
Split screen – int. dubai palace – ext. italian vineyard
Split screen of SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN staring at the passageway (LS), with EJ staring at KAYLA (RS).