Episode 14
ext. victor’s italian Mansion – vineyards
We see the 4 WORKERS finishing up with work for the day. One worker is carrying baskets and placing them beside a shed. Another worker is washing baskets using a hose on the side of the shed. Another worker is washing his face and hands using the stream of water coming from the hose. EJ is standing off to the side deep in thought.
(thinking to himself)
I’ve got to get out of here, now! Especially if Steve and Kayla did recognize me. But I’ve got to time this perfectly.
EJ takes his time and makes sure the first two WORKERS have already entered the house. He is alone with the lead worker, MICHAEL. EJ waits some more. He wants to make sure the other 2 workers are well inside the house and out of earshot.
Well, what are you waiting for? The shower is going to be cold by the time you get there. Let’s go!
EJ slowly saunters over to MICHAEL. Michael pulls a key from his pocket and crouches down to unlock EJ’s ankle shackles. We can see the nervousness in EJ’s face as he contemplates escape. The tension is suddenly broken by ISABELLA opening the door, startling EJ.
Michael, I am turning in. I will see you in the morning?
Yes. Good night.
ISABELLA disappears back into the house. EJ swallows hard and looks down at MICHAEL. The instant his ankle shackles are released, EJ knocks Michael on the head and wraps the shackles around his neck until Michael collapses to the floor. EJ grabs the keys from the floor and unlocks his wrist shackles. He then takes Michael’s gun from its holster.
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – passageway
ROMAN, SHANE, and KIMBERLY are slowly creeping down the dark tunnel. Roman leads the way with a flashlight and Kimberly is holding Shane’s hand.
I really don't like this. There's nothing here but a creepy vibe. Let’s get out of here.
Kim, come on. We are at least going to find out where this passageway goes. There's got to be something at the end.
Shane’s right. Take it easy, sis. We’ll protect you. Think about Bo. He could be down here somewhere. Or there could be a clue that might lead us to him.
OK, OK. But I have a really bad feeling about this. Don’t say I didn't warn you!
ROMAN, SHANE, and KIMBERLY slowly walk down the dark passageway until they come to a dead end.
No way. This can’t be. A passage to nowhere?
I think it’s a sign. We need to turn around and leave.

No – there has to be more to this. That book you discovered was the key to opening this secret passageway...there must be something here we’re missing.
Well I say we keep missing it and high-tail it outta here!
Kim – we’ve come this far. Let's check every brick, every lighting fixture. There has to be something here.
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – secret room
TONY is sitting at his desk in his big leather chair watching ROMAN, SHANE, and KIMBERLY on the closed circuit security. He opens his top desk draw, takes out a gun and loads it.
Looks like I'm going to have to finish the job father started.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing
SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA enter the medical wing to find HOPE looking through documents in a file. She has opened every file cabinet, desk drawer, medicine cabinet, etc. The entire room is a mess with papers and equipment strewn everywhere.
Wow – someone’s been busy.
Yeah, but I haven't found anything. I wish I could find something...anything! Even the smallest little clue that your dad is here – that Bo’s alive. There’s got to be something!
HOPE is getting visibly more and more upset – almost frantic. SHAWN rushes over to calm her and gives her a hug.
It's OK mom. We are going to find him...but it just won't be tonight. I think we should all turn in for the night and start fresh tomorrow. It's been a long tough day.
I think Shawn’s right. Maybe a good night’s sleep will give us a fresh perspective on things in the morning.
Yeah, mom. Higgins probably has our rooms ready by now.
(calling loudly in the direction of the door)
Hey Higgins!
(with a warm smile)
When did my kids get so sensible?
HIGGINS appears in the doorway.
Yes ma’am?
Hey, so we’re ready to turn in for the night.
(clearing his throat)
Very well. Let me show you to your rooms.
fade to:
int. victor’s greek mansion – upstairs hallway
(leading them down the hall)
I have prepared three bedrooms. One for the young ladies, one for Mr. Brady, and one...
I’ll take this room.
HOPE grabs the handle to what she believes is Bo’s room (the one containing the clothes and shoes that she had discovered earlier), and opens the door. She slides inside and pulls the door tight to her, blocking the doorway, as if to establish her territory. HIGGINS has a reluctant look on his face but does not wish to arouse suspicion.
Very well, Mrs. Brady.
Great. Thank you Higgins. Good night.
HIGGINS exits. SHAWN walks to one bedroom door and CIARA and CHELSEA walk to the other. Shawn opens his door.
Hey - I really want to thank you guys for coming here and doing this with me. It means so much to me. 
SHAWN turns back and smiles at HOPE.
Of course we’re here for you, mom. Always. Good night.
Good night.
SHAWN, CIARA and CHELSEA all enter their respective rooms. The 3 bedroom doors all close and we are left looking at an empty hallway.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
DR. ROLF, VICTOR, and BO are trying to get some sleep in the tunnel. Bo is awake and lying on a cot. He tosses and turns but cannot get comfortable. In frustration, he gets up and decides to pushing 2 chairs together. He lies down in his make-shift bed. Suddenly, a memory hits him like a brick.
Flashback to June 20, 2006 (original footage) of BO walking out of the Horton Cabin to find HOPE sleeping in the Adirondack chair outside after an argument the night before. He asks her why she slept in the chair outside and she says she just couldn’t leave him.
int. victor’s greek mansion – bedroom
We see HOPE suddenly wake up from a dream – the same memory that BO was just having about Horton Cabin.
I won't leave you, Brady, I won't. Thank you for sending me a sign.
HOPE smiles.