Episode 15
int. victor’s greek mansion – bedroom
HOPE is lying in bed wide awake. She glances over at the alarm clock which shows 4:02 a.m.
(to herself)
Well at least I got 2 hours of sleep - and more importantly, a sign from Bo.
HOPE sits up and bed.
(to herself)
We’ve searched every room in this house and haven’t come up with any concrete evidence. There has to be something we’ve missed. But where? What? Come on Brady, ya gotta give me something.
If only we could get into those computers...but what could the password be?

HOPE gets up out of bed, throws on a robe and exits the bedroom.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing - morning
SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA enter the medical facility after a good night’s sleep to find HOPE sitting at the computer. She has a pad of paper and is writing potential passwords on it while trying to break into the computer.
Mom! How long have you been here?
I don’t know...4:30 maybe. I've been going over every business name, person, and phone number associated with your grandpa Victor and I've come up empty so far.
Maybe you need to get up from the computer and take a break, Hope?
No, no I can't do that. Last night I had a dream about your dad.
What was it about?
I was actually pregnant with you – but I didn’t know it yet. Your dad and I were going through a rough patch.
fade to:
Flashback to June 20, 2006 (original footage) of BO walking out of the Horton Cabin to find HOPE sleeping in the Adirondack chair outside after an argument the night before. He asks her why she slept in the chair outside and she says she just couldn’t leave him.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing – present
It was a sign from your dad. I know it. I couldn’t leave him then...and I can’t leave him now.
HOPE continues to try various passwords on the computer.
I wish grandma Caroline was still here. The last time dad was gone, she had those visions and she was spot on.
(jumping up from the computer)
Ciara! You are a genius!
(to Shawn with a smirk)
I always knew I was the genius of the family.
(to Ciara)
Very funny.
Cut it out you two. I’m in! The password is Caroline. Victor always did have a soft spot for your grandmother.
HOPE sits back down at the computer. SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA gather round behind her.
(with raised eyebrow)
I just know we are going to find something about your dad on this computer.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
DR. ROLF, VICTOR, and BO are becoming restless while trying to pass the time.
How much longer Dad? It's been a whole day already.
Not much longer. Look, I’m here...Dr. Rolf is here...we’re just trying to protect you.
Protect me from what?
Suddenly HIGGINS enters with breakfast on a tray. He has a concerned look on his face.
Excuse me sir, may I have a word?
(to Bo and pointing to a desk in the far corner of the room)
Here son - take this tray and go eat your breakfast.
BO grabs the tray from HIGGINS and walks over to the desk. He sits down and starts eating.
What is it, Higgins?
Sir, we have a slight problem. Your daughter in law managed to log into the computer files.
Damn her! Still as stubborn as ever!
What would you like me to do about it, sir?
If you try to do anything, she’ll just get suspicious. She might find some stuff, but none of it has Bo’s name on it...and nothing will lead her here. So let her have at it. There's nothing I can do to change things now.
Yes, sir.
HIGGINS exits. We see a very concerned look wash over Victor’s face. He glances back at BO who is eating breakfast. Bo looks up to see Victor watching him.
These donuts aren't home-made.  I've had much better. 
Bo looks at the donut in his hand and has a memory.
fade to:
INT. Alice Horton’s kitchen - flashback
Flashback to September 1983 when Bo walks into the kitchen where Mrs H is making her homemade donuts.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels - present
BO snaps out of his memory.
Mrs H made the best donuts.
(with a smile)
You remember. Yes, she certainly did, Bo.
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – passageway
ROMAN, SHANE, and KIMBERLY are looking around the passageway dead-end for a secret door. Roman and Shane are touching every brick, and pulling each lighting fixture.
You just going to stand there, sis?
I found the secret entrance to this passageway. I figure it's about time you and Shane step it up.
Nice, very nice.
KIMBERLY smirks and leans back against the wall to watch the two men search. Suddenly, the brick that Kimberly is leaning on flips to reveal a numeric keypad.
Well, well, well – what do we have here! You’ve done it again, Kim.
Oh great, lucky me.
This keypad must open a door to a hidden room or perhaps another passageway.
I think your right on that, Shane.
Just what we need – another passageway.
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – secret room
TONY is sitting at his desk in his big leather chair watching ROMAN, SHANE, and KIMBERLY on the closed circuit security caressing a gun in his hands.
(to himself)
Damn those Brady’s! They better not find a way in here. No one knows I’m alive, and I need it to stay that way if I want to find EJ. Victor is hiding him in one of his estates. It’s only a matter of time until I find out which one. But now the Brady’s are interfering in my plans once again! Damn them!
ext. victor’s italian Mansion – vineyards
After taking MICHAEL’s keys, unlocking his shackles, and stealing Michael’s gun, EJ jumps into a car parked in the garage. He uses Michael’s keys to start the car and drives away.
(to himself)
It's a shame I had to kill you, Michael...but as they say, it’s survival of the fittest.

int. villa rosa inn, italy – STEVE & Kayla’s room – next morning
We see STEVE on his cell phone, pacing. He has clearly been awake for a few hours. KAYLA is sleeping in bed. She wakes to find him on the phone.
OK great, keep us posted.
STEVE hangs up his phone and sits down on the bed next to Kayla.
(with a big smile)
Good morning, sweetness.
Is it? What’s got you so chipper this early in the morning? Got some good news?
That was Hope. She was able to get into Vic’s computer. She's convinced she’s gonna find something on Bo.
That is good news.
And she mentioned having a dream about Bo last night...something she had not thought about in a long time. She says it was definitely a sign.
KAYLA jumps out of bed.
Even better news! So what’s our next step?  
Well, I’m expecting a-
Suddenly STEVE is interrupted by his cell phone ringing.
Ah, it’s Billie.
STEVE gets up and walks to the back of the room to answer his phone. KAYLA grabs her cell phone from the night stand and dials.
Hey Kim, it’s me.
int. villa rosa inn, italy – STEVE & Kayla’s room – later
STEVE and KAYLA are both on their cell phones. They hang up almost simultaneously and sit down at the small table in their hotel room.
Well, you were right. Billie ran that picture through facial recognition...and it's definitely EJ.
I knew it.
(pause, smiles with vindication)
I spoke to Kim and they found some secret passageway. They hit a dead end but found a keypad that may open a hidden door or something. They’re trying to figure out how to crack the code on that now.
Sounds like old times, doesn’t it?
(with a smile)
Sure does.
So what now?
Billie is sending a team over to Victor’s mansion. They’re going to grab EJ and bring him back to London for questioning.
OK – so what do we do?
Well, we either head back to Salem, or we go help out in Greece or Dubai. Up to you, sweetness.
(with a smirk)
I hear Greece is lovely this time of year.
My sweetness wants to go to Greece, so Greece it is.