Episode 17
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing
HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA are gathered around the computer screen.
Oh my God.
What is it?
It's all the photos that I gave to Maggie. Victor wanted them for a family photo album.
Why would he scan them into the computer and save them with all these medical records?
Good question. I just gave these photos to Maggie a couple days before we left.
HOPE has an intense look on her face. She is racking her brain to try and put the pieces together.
Mom, what do think it means?
I don’t think – I know. I know your father is alive. I know your father is here. And I know your grandfather is involved somehow.  I know it. All of this just confirms my suspicions.
Suddenly the tension is broken as SHAWN’S cell phone rings. He answers it.
int. airport – greece
KAYLA and STEVE have just landed in Greece. Kayla is on her cell phone.
Shawn – listen - I called the hospital and had them pull your dad's records. The MRI you sent me is a perfect match to the one on file at University Hospital.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing

That’s great!
int. airport – greece

And it gets better. The second MRI image you sent – the one without a tumor – well, it looks like it's a match to your dad as well.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing

So, my mom’s right? My dad’s alive?
int. airport – greece

Shawn, I didn't say that. I just said the MRI images match up with your dad's. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. Listen, your uncle Steve and I have just landed in Greece. We’ll be over at the estate shortly.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing

OK aunt Kayla. I’ll let everyone know. See you soon.
SHAWN hangs up his phone. He turns to HOPE, CIARA, and CHELSEA who are staring at him in anticipation.
Aunt Kayla says the MRI images are both a match to dad’s.
HOPE smiles with a raised eyebrow.
I knew it! I knew your dad is alive! Now all we have to do is find him.
HOPE closes her eyes and concentrates.
(quietly to herself)
Come on Brady. Come on. Give me another sign.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
VICTOR is standing over BO who is sitting at a desk with a tray of food in front of him.
Bo, you don’t have to explain anything.
It's just a feeling I have, dad. I don't even understand it myself.
DR. ROLF enters pushing a cart with a chess board on it.
Dr. Rolf
Listen, why don’t we take our minds off of things and relax over a friendly game of chess?
BO takes one look at the chess game and jumps to his feet. He goes over to the cart, grabs the chess board, and throws it down the tunnel. The board shatters and the pieces scatter violently.
No! I have never liked that game!
Rolf, you imbecile, get rid of that at once! I don't ever want to see it again. Do you understand?
Dr. Rolf
Yes, Mr. Kiriakis. But I don't understand why Bo got so upset. I was just trying to prevent Bo from going stir crazy and having a set-back.
VICTOR looks over at BO who is steaming with anger and staring at the wall.
(to himself)
The last thing I want to do is to hurt my son, or cause him pain. And right now, I feel like that's all I've done.
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – passageway
ROMAN, SHANE, and KIMBERLY are all staring at the keypad on the wall.
We've been working on this damn keypad for hours and we’ve come up with nothing. We’re wasting our time.
I hate to say it, but Kim’s right.
And Billie hasn't come up with anything at headquarters either.
SHANE’S cell phone rings and he answers it.
Donovan here.
(pause while listening)
Are you sure?
(pause while listening)
OK, well that’s fantastic news. Sit tight, we’ll be on the next plane out.
ROMAN and KIMBERLY both glance at each other with a puzzled look on their faces. SHANE hangs up his phone with a big smile.
That was Hope. She’s got proof Bo’s alive.
What? She’s sure?
Yep. She also believes he may be hidden somewhere on the estate in Greece. She’ll explain when we get there.
Well you don’t have to twist my arm. Let’s get outta this place!
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – secret room
TONY is sitting at his desk in his big leather chair watching ROMAN, SHANE, and KIMBERLY on the closed circuit security.
(to himself)
Well what do you’s my lucky day. Father must be looking out for me. So...Bo is alive, and Hope is convinced he’s being hidden in Victor’s estate in Greece.
(pause while thinking)
Hmmm...I wonder who else they may have stashed away there? Hang on my good brother. It’s time for me to take a little trip to Greece. Prepare yourselves, Brady’s – the phoenix is rising - the DiMera’s are back!
TONY lets out a deep, guttural laugh.