Episode 18
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing
HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA continue to look through files on the computer. Suddenly, Hope has a flash of another vision. She sees Bo in a dark place with cement walls and floor, and he looks upset. Hope quietly stands up and walks away from the others to be alone with her thoughts. Shawn and Chelsea are engrossed in the images on the computer screen, but Ciara glances up and notices Hope. Hope freezes mid-step – she has another vision. This time she sees more. She sees Bo throwing the chess set across the room and it lands in front of Dr. Rolf.
(gasping and snapping out of her vision)
Tears begin to stream down HOPE’S face. CIARA quickly runs to her mother’s side. SHAWN, CHELSEA aren’t far behind.
Mom, what is it?
I, I saw your father. He was upset. He was with a man.
What man?
A man I thought was long gone. A man that did terrible things to me in the past.
cut to:
Int. lab – flashback
Flashback to August 25, 1999 where we see the doctor examining  Princess Gina and Hope who are lying on operating tables and there are brain scans flickering on monitors in the BG.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing - present
He is one of the reasons I was away from you and your dad for so long.
SHAWN grabs HOPE’S hand and holds it tight.
Who was it mom? Who?
HOPE slowly turns and looks at SHAWN with a terrified look in her eyes.
It was Dr. Rolf.
SHAWN has not seen that look of terror in his mom's eyes in a long time. The thought of Dr. Rolf scares HOPE to her very soul.
No, there’s no way. He and Stefano are both dead.
SHAWN drops his head and gives it a shake. CIARA and CHELSEA both look at each other in confusion. They have no idea about what DR. ROLF did to HOPE in the past but are afraid to ask.
It’s all starting to make sense. Victor...Victor hired Rolf to help save Bo.
(pause while thinking)
They must have brought Bo here to operate on his tumor.
HOPE is looking around at all the equipment in the medical facility.
Makes sense...but where is he now?
HOPE closes her eyes and thinks about the vision she had. She concentrates hard on every aspect of that vision. We see close-ups of the cement walls, the floor, and the spiral staircase leading up to a door. The visions begin to intermix with flashbacks of a similar location.
Int. Tunnel – flashback
We see a flashback from July 13, 1984 of her grandmother bringing HOPE down to a tunnel to reunite with BO.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing - present
HOPE smiles at the memory of her grandmother.
(quietly to herself, lost in thought)
The tunnels.
(snapping out of her visions)
There must be tunnels somewhere in this house! Shane told me they found a secret passageway in Dubai...there must be one here too. And that’s where we’ll find your dad. I know it. I saw it.
But we searched this entire house and didn’t find any tunnels.
Where’s Higgins? He knows this place inside and out. He’ll know if there’s a secret passageway.
I’ll go get him.
(quietly to herself)
We’re coming Bo. Hold on.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
VICTOR and DR. ROLF exchange looks of concern as they watch BO who is pacing back and forth.
(verging on panic)
I can't, I can't stay down here any longer! Dad when are we getting out of here?
Dr. Rolf
Bo, you’ve got to calm down. Come, sit. Let's work on our counting technique. It has always helped you stay calm before.
That’s not going to work! It might work upstairs in my cozy bedroom, but it's not going to work in this miserable place!
Please, son, try to calm down.
Suddenly the tunnel door opens and VICTOR turns to see who is there.
What are you doing down here? Where’s Higgins?
We see the SECURITY GUARD standing at the door out of breath.
security guard
Sir, I need to speak with you immediately. We have multiple situations arising.
What is it now?
security guard
I need to speak with you privately.
VICTOR walks over to the SECURITY GUARD and they both move into the corner of the room farthest from BO.
Fine. Spit it out.
security guard
Michael’s dead, sir. He was found strangled to death in the vineyard.
What? By whom? Is Isabella OK? What about the others?
security guard
Isabella’s fine. The police brought her in for questioning.
And what about our special house guest?
security guard
He’s gone. We suspect he’s the one who killed Michael, sir. Our men haven’t been able to locate him.
Dammit! What good is it to hire security guards if they can’t keep the place secure?
security guard
There’s more, sir.
How could this get any worse?
security guard
Your grandson is grilling Higgins about the tunnels. I don’t know how he found out.
Damn him! Well let’s hope Higgins can do his job and keep his mouth shut!
Alright, keep a close eye on them and keep me informed.
security guard
Yes, sir.
The SECURITY GUARD exits the tunnels.
V/O victor
(thinking to himself)
What else could possibly go wrong?
fade to:
SPLIT SCREEN - tunnels – EXt. greek mansion – INT. Greek Mansion
A 3-way split screen: BO agitated in the tunnels (LS), STEVE & KAYLA approaching the front door step of the Greek mansion (C), HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA talking with Higgins in front foyer of the Greek mansion (RS).