Episode 19
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion - docks
We see Victor’s yacht anchored in the water at the docks just down the hill from the mansion. EJ enters and sneaks down the dock.
(quietly to himself)
That fool thought he could get away with keeping me prisoner for the last 3 years. My father must be turning over in his grave after what Kiriakis has done. Well, now it's my turn for revenge...and Victor, you will pay.
EJ looks cautiously around to make sure he is not being watched, then climbs aboard Victor’s yacht.
int. victor’s greek mansion – front foyer
HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA have confronted Higgins in the front foyer. They are circled around HIGGINS who has his back up against the wall and looks visibly uncomfortable with their proximity.
Come on, man. Why won’t you tell us how to get into the tunnels?
As I said before, Mr. Brady, I’m afraid I have no idea what you are referring to.
CIARA throws her head back, turns, and stomps away from Higgins.
Arrrghhh! This is so frustrating!
Suddenly, there is a knock at the front door. Everyone except HIGGINS freezes and looks over to the door with a look of concern on their faces. We hear a second knock. HOPE slowly walks over to the door. She opens it a crack to see who’s there. She flings the door wide open once she realizes who it is to reveal STEVE and KAYLA standing on the door step.
So...are you going to invite us in?
HOPE’S eyes fill with tears as she reaches out and hugs both of them. Hope quickly wipes away her tears.
I am so glad you two are here!
Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, sweet thing.
HOPE smiles at STEVE.
So, get us up to speed.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing - later
HOPE leads STEVE and KAYLA into the medical lab. Steve and Kayla take a long look around the room.
Wow. So this is where you think they operated on Bo?
Yep. The MRI images were on that computer right there.
And you think they could be hiding in secret tunnels under this place?
Definitely. We’ve been grilling Higgins about it, but he denies everything. One thing I am certain of - he knows more than he’s telling us.
Before we go hunting for hidden tunnels, I’d love to grab a bite to eat. I’m starving. Steve’s liquid lunch isn’t really cutting it.
Good idea. Why don’t you go grab the kids and have them take you to the kitchen.  Higgins could probably use a break from the interrogating trio up there.
HOPE winks and smiles at KAYLA.
Great! Meet you there?
Sure thing. Oh – and could you please tell Higgins to come here. There are a few things I’d like to ask him myself.
No problem.
KAYLA exits.
Not getting anywhere with this Higgins guy, Hope?
Not really.
How ‘bout a little good cop, bad cop?
HOPE flashes a devious smile.
OK – who’s the good cop and who's the bad cop?
Listen, there’s a reason I’ve been  calling you sweet thing since we first met.
Alright, alright, I get it. I’m good cop.
Yes, you are.
Higgins enters the medical lab.
You wanted to see me, Mrs. Brady?
Yes, Higgins. Have a seat.
HOPE points to one of the chairs.
Higgins, this is my brother-in-law Steve. He’s going to take over with the questioning now.
STEVE grabs the back of another chair and swings it around to face Higgins. He sits down, their knees almost touching, and leans forward towards Higgins.
Hey there. Listen – I’m gonna cut right to the chase here.
STEVE pulls a pocket knife out of his back pocket and starts to slowly open the blade.
I know you know where my brother-in-law is. So you have two options: you either tell me and we can go back to being good friends...
(pause as he inspects the blade closely)
...or you don't tell me...and you lose something.
STEVE touches the tip of the blade to his patch. Higgins swallows hard.
Sir, I don’t know what you are talking about.
Guess this guy’s got enough friends already.
STEVE presses the side of the knife blade onto Higgins’ cheek with the tip just under his right eye. Higgins is frozen with fear.
Too bad, I was really hoping we could be buddies.
Temper, temper Steve. I know how you can just snap when you get angry.
I think I’m going to go check on the kids. I’ll leave you two to talk...alone.
HOPE begins to walk towards to door.
(in a panic)
Wait!  Wait, Mrs. Brady, please don’t go! I know where your husband is.
HOPE immediately swivels around.
Where is he? He’s here, isn’t the tunnels? How do we access them?
How did you know?
Just answer the question!
STEVE presses the knife a bit harder onto Higgin’s face.
The library! Go to the library. There’s a photo of Bo on the wall. Push the third brick down from the photo and the door to the tunnel will open.  
Thank you, Higgins.
(pulling back his knife)
That wasn’t so hard now, was it?
(to Hope)
Hope – grab that extension cord for me.
HOPE grabs an extension cord that is lying on the floor under the computer desk and hands it to STEVE. Steve ties Higgins to the chair.
(to Higgins)
See – I knew we could be friends.
STEVE starts walking towards the door.
(grabbing Steve’s arm)
I knew it! I knew he was here, Steve. Thank you.
My pleasure sweet thing. Well, come on – let’s go get him.
ext. victor’s greek mansion – front door – night
We see TONY sneaking around the front entrance, peeking into a window around the side of the mansion that looks into the kitchen. He is hiding in the bushes trying to avoid being seen by staff or any security cameras. We can see HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA, CHELSEA, STEVE, and KAYLA talking around a spread of food on the kitchen island.
(to himself)
Well, it looks like the party has started without me. No matter, once I find EJ, the DiMera brothers will host a little surprise party of their own for the Brady clan.
TONY notices the yacht down by the docks in the distance. We see a shadowy figure climbing aboard the yacht.
(to himself)
Well, well, looks like I’m not the only one whose party invitation was lost in the mail.
TONY exits in the direction of the docks just as a car pulls up to the front entrance of the mansion. ROMAN, KIMBERLY, and SHANE get out of the car. Shane notices the dark figure of Tony heading toward the docks.
Did you see what I just saw?
Yeah, did you get a glimpse of his face?
No. But I think we need to go check that out before heading inside.
I agree.
Once again boys, I don’t have a good feeling about this.