Episode 20
int. victor’s greek mansion – library
HOPE, STEVE, KAYLA, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA are staring at the open door to the tunnel. Hope has her hand on the brick that opened the secret passageway.
Well, well...our friend Higgins was telling the truth.
(with a nod and a wink)
You make a very good, or should I say, bad cop.
OK, let’s go.
SHAWN takes a step towards the tunnel.
Wait. I don’t think we should all go in. It's probably best if some of us stay here just in case there's another exit to these tunnels and they make their way back into the house.
I think Hope’s right. We need someone to be the eyes and ears out here, and to hang back...just in case.
Just in case what?
Nothing’s going to happen, sweetness.
Fine. I’ll hold down the fort with the girls.
KAYLA puts her arms around CIARA and CHELSEA.
OK. Shawn, one of us should hang here with the ladies in case something goes down. 
I’m on it. You go. Be careful you two.
Thanks, sweetie. I love you guys.
HOPE hugs everyone as Steve pops his head in to get a glimpse of the tunnel.
We love you too, mom. Now go get dad.
STEVE disappears into the tunnel. HOPE steps into the entrance, turns back and smiles at her family, raises an eyebrow, then disappears into the tunnel.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
VICTOR and DR. ROLF are still watching BO pace back and forth, when we hear a few banging noises in the distant tunnel.
Did you hear that?
Dr. Rolf
It sounds like someone is wandering around the tunnels. Why would the guards...
Bo – let’s go!
Finally. We can go back upstairs now?
No, son. We’re going for a walk. This way.
VICTOR motions to a second door at the back of the tunnel that exits to the dock. Victor pulls DR. ROLF aside as BO is gathering himself.
(quietly to Dr. Rolf)
If they’ve discovered the tunnels, we’ve got to get Bo out of here.
Dr. Rolf
(quietly to Victor)
But the only other exit takes us out to the docks. What if someone sees us?
We don’t have a choice. We’re going to have to take that chance.
DR. ROLF nods in agreement and turns to BO.
Dr. Rolf
Ah, yes. We need to get some fresh air, stretch our legs a bit. Bo, you love going down to look at the water.
Yes, I love the water...the docks...the boats.  Makes me feel so...
...peaceful home.
Then the water it is.
VICTOR, DR. ROLF, and BO exit out the back of the tunnel.
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion - docks
We see TONY sneaking up to Victor’s yacht, which is anchored in the water at the docks just down the hill from the mansion.
(to himself)
I wonder who that was, getting onto the yacht. Whoever it was, they won’t see me coming. I much prefer my chances here - going head-to-head with one Brady, as opposed to the entire cast of the Brady Bunch up at the house. Divide and conquer as they say.
int. victor’s greek yacht
Inside the yacht, we see EJ rummaging through the cabin.  He has found clean clothes to change in to, and continues to look through cabinets and drawers. He jolts to attention as he hears a noise coming from the yacht’s deck. He freezes to listen intensely. Suddenly the hatch opens and TONY steps in.  
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion - docks
SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN cautiously walk onto the docks.
What do you think?
I think whoever it was, doesn’t want anyone to know he’s here.
I was thinking the same thing.
I think we should call Hope and let her know what's going on. Maybe she knows something.
She’s got enough on her plate, Kim. We need to handle this on our own.
I agree.
Why doesn’t that surprise me? I’m sensing a pattern here and I don’t like it one bit.
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion – TUNNEL exit
We see a hatch door on the ground amongst some bushes. It pops open from underneath and we see the heads of DR. ROLF, VICTOR, and BO cautiously emerging from below. They climb out, leaving the hatch open. Suddenly, Victor sees SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN down on the docks. He grabs Bo by the shoulder.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
We see HOPE and STEVE cautiously making their way through the tunnels. They enter the room with the desk and chairs, and HOPE sees the shattered chess board and scattered pieces on the floor.
This is it Steve! We are so close – I can feel it!
I can’t feel it too.
HOPE and STEVE continue to look around the room. Steve spots the second door at the back of the room. He walks over and opens it.
Hey – check this out. Does that look like natural light up ahead?
Looks like it to me.
STEVE and HOPE exit through the door.
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion – TUNNEL exit
VICTOR, DR. ROLF and BO are standing outside the tunnel exit. Victor has his hand on Bo’s shoulder.
Change of plans.
BO and DR. ROLF turn to see what VICTOR is looking at. We see three shadowy figures peering inside the windows of the yacht.
(quietly to Dr. Rolf)
I don’t like the look of this.
dr. rolf
What do we do now?
We’re going back. Hurry up.
VICTOR, DR. ROLF, and BO turn to go back to the hatch and come face to face with HOPE and STEVE who have just emerged from the tunnel.