int. victor’s greek yacht
Inside the yacht, TONY with gun drawn, comes face to face with EJ.
EJ? What the hell are you doing here? You look like hell.
Thanks a lot, brother dear, it’s good to see you too.
(motioning to Tony’s gun)
Would you mind pointing that somewhere else?
TONY tucks his gun back into his waistband.
My apologies. I didn't realize it was you on the yacht.
How did you get manage to get here? I've been searching Victor’s many estates for you.
It’s a long, dreadful story. We can get into details over a glass of father’s brandy some other time.
Indeed. Right now we have no time to waste. We must forge ahead with father’s plan to destroy the Brady’s.
All I care about right now is making Kiriakis pay for what he’s done to me.
EJ, EJ, EJ. Think about it. Why don’t we kill two birds, or should I say, Brady’s, with one stone?
Enlighten me.
What better way to hurt Kiriakis, than to hurt someone he loves.
TONY and EJ share a devious smile together.
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion – TUNNEL exit
VICTOR, DR. ROLF and BO are standing outside the tunnel exit, about to re-enter. They have come face to face with STEVE and HOPE who have just exited the tunnel.
(with tears welling up in her eyes)
Oh my God – Bo!
HOPE runs to BO and wraps her arms around him, crying uncontrollably.
(whispering, sobbing in his ear)
I knew it. I knew you were alive. I've missed you so much, Brady.
BO, unsure of what to do, slowly puts his arms around HOPE. He only knows Hope is his wife from what VICTOR and DR. ROLF have told him. Bo has no memories of their life together.
We see flashbacks of Victor & Dr. Rolf showing Bo photographs of Hope. Bo has an uneasy look on his face and looks to Victor for reassurance.
Hey man. You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Hope here knew. She knew you were alive.
BO, unsure how to respond, keeps his focus on VICTOR. HOPE steps back to look at Bo, but doesn’t let go of him.

Let me look at you, Brady. Are you OK?
HOPE gently puts her hands on either side of BO’s face. Tears rolling down her cheeks.
Shawn, Ciara, Chelsea, Kayla - they’re all here. They’re-
Hope, come on. We need to get back in the house.
VICTOR glances nervously at the docks where he saw 3 shadowy figures lurking around the yacht earlier. He touches HOPE’s shoulder. Hope’s face quickly turns from concern to anger.
Take your hands off of me! How dare you, Victor. You've been lying to me for years, haven’t you?
Hope, please, now is not the time.
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion - docks
SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN are sneaking around the yacht, trying to get a glimpse in the windows. They hear muffled shouting in the distance towards the house.
Did you hear that?
Kinda hard not to.
Whoever it is, she doesn’t sound happy. Let’s check it out.
SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN exit towards the house.
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion – TUNNEL exit
Come on every one, let’s get back to the house.
You've kept Bo from me, from Shawn, from Ciara, from all of us, this entire time? You are a monster!
Hope, please. You are like a daughter to me. Let’s go inside. I’ll explain everything.
BO doesn’t move. He’s in shock with a blank look on his face. STEVE walks over to VICTOR and gets right in his face.
(sternly, on the verge of anger)
You call her your daughter? You don’t deserve a daughter-in-law like Hope. You old bastard. You haven't changed from the monster you were 35 years ago.
HOPE is standing behind STEVE, crying and shaking her head in disbelief.
(with rage)
And with him?
(motioning to Dr. Rolf)
After all he’s done to Hope! I swear to God, old man...I could kill you with my bare hands!
Steve,’s not what you think...
VICTOR suddenly clutches his chest and falls forwards, grabbing onto Steve’s arm.
I can’t, I can’t breathe.
STEVE looks at VICTOR in disbelief. DR. ROLF rushes over and grabs onto Victor.
Dr. Rolf
Mr. Kiriakis!  
BO eyes fill with fear and he’s too afraid to move. Bo closes his eyes and has a memory.
flash to:
INT. Bo’s old apartment – flashback
We see a flashback to BO’s old apartment in 1984 just before HOPE’S 18th birthday. A man in a suit (Doug) is arguing with Hope, when he collapses on the steps. He is having a heart attack.
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion – TUNNEL exit - present
BO is snapped out of his memory by the sudden entrance of SHANE, KIM, and ROMAN who have come from the docks.
What the hell is going on here?
DR. ROLF is helping VICTOR sit down on the ground.
dr. rolf
We’ve got to get him back to the medical lab. Victor is having a heart attack!
We see ROMAN, SHANE, KIMBERLY, and BO standing in shock. HOPE is holding on to Bo, and DR. ROLF is kneeling beside VICTOR who has collapsed on the ground.