Episode 22
Ext.  victor’s greek mansion – TUNNEL exit
ROMAN, SHANE, and KIMBERLY, have just entered and are staring in awe at the situation. HOPE is holding on to Bo, and DR. ROLF is kneeling beside VICTOR who has collapsed on the ground.
Oh my God, Bo!
(rushing over to give Bo a hug)
I can’t believe my eyes! I’ve missed you so much.
BO does not recognize KIMBERLY. He has a look of confusion on his face, doesn’t say anything, and reluctantly puts one arm around her.
Wow. Bo. Great to have you back little brother.
ROMAN goes in to hug BO and KIMBERLY together but just pats Bo on the back when he sees Bo’s reluctance and his preoccupation with Victor.
Dr. Rolf
Sorry to break up this family reunion, but we must get Mr. Kiriakis back upstairs to the medical lab. He’s having a heart attack!
Steve, can you please run back to the house and find Kayla? Tell her to prep the medical lab.
You got it.
(with anguish)
Please hurry. I can’t lose my dad.
STEVE, ROMAN, KIMBERLY, and SHANE look around at each other, confused by BO’s reaction and the fact that he called Victor “dad”.
(breaking the awkward pause)
We’ll take care of Victor, just go tell Kayla to get the lab ready.
(to himself as he turns to head into the tunnel)
Dad? Did Bo just call his old man, dad?
Hurry, Steve!
STEVE disappears into the tunnel.
Roman – there are some cots in a room not far into the tunnel. Maybe we can use one of them to carry Victor back up to the house.
Good idea. I’ll go grab one.
HOPE looks at BO who is still standing, silent, with tears in his eyes.
He’s going to be OK, Bo.
(V/O to herself)
Something’s wrong. This isn’t like Bo. He’s usually so helpful in these situations.
HOPE puts her hand on BO’S cheek and looks at his eyes, but he does not return the gaze and continues to stare at VICTOR. DR. ROLF is attending to Victor, loosening his tie, and trying to make him comfortable. ROMAN returns with a cot.
SHANE, ROMAN, and DR. ROLF help VICTOR climb onto the cot.
Dr. Rolf
(turning to Bo)
Bo, let’s go. We are going back to the house now.
(grabbing Bo’s hand possessively and fiercely staring at Dr. Rolf with resentment)
I’ll take care of Bo. You concentrate on your new boss.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing - later
KAYLA is prepping the medical lab as STEVE pulls SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA aside.
Do you think grandpa Vic is gonna be OK?
He’s definitely in good hands with Kayla.
There’s something else I need to tell you.
Suddenly, ROMAN, SHANE and DR. ROLF burst in pushing the cot with VICTOR lying on it. KIMBERLY is not far behind. KAYLA rushes over to Victor.
Can you hear me, Victor? Can you tell me what happened?
VICTOR has trouble speaking and looks very distressed.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
We see HOPE and BO making their way through the tunnels. Bo, still in shock, is walking slowly as if he’s in a trance. Hope is tugging slightly at his hand to encourage him to walk faster. Bo looks overwhelmed, like his brain is on overload.
Please tell me my dad is going to be OK, please.
Of course he is. Victor’s a fighter. He’ll be just fine. Try not to worry.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing
KAYLA is examining Victor and hooking him up to the monitors when HOPE and BO enter the medical lab. SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA look up and gasp as they see their father.
Oh my God – daddy! Daddy, is that really you?
CIARA runs over to BO and wraps her arms around him. She beings to sob and shake. Bo only recognizes Ciara from the pictures Victor showed him. He hugs Ciara back, looking around the room in complete shock.
Dr. Rolf
(with a raised voice)
I need everyone to leave immediately!
I can’t believe I’m saying this but Dr. Rolf is right – we need everyone to leave.
(to Victor)
You’re lucky I’m even helping you after what you’ve done.
Dr. Rolf, please, you’ve got to help my dad. You can’t let him die.
Little brother, we’re going to do everything we can.
KAYLA takes BO’S face in her hands and looks him in the eyes, but all she sees is confusion and fear.
Come on. I've never let you down before, have I?
KAYLA looks over at Hope.
Bo, come on. Let’s go.
(putting her hand on Bo’s)
Come on, Brady.
Suddenly we hear one of the monitors start beeping erratically and an alarm goes off. VICTOR’s heart has stopped.
Dr. Rolf
Clear the room – NOW!
KAYLA runs to grab the crash cart. SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA quickly leave the lab and gather in the hallway. HOPE leads a reluctant and panicked BO out to the hall where everyone else is now watching through the glass window.
We see BO with HOPE standing by his side looking through the window at KAYLA and Dr. ROLF trying to save VICTOR’S life.