Episode 23
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing – HALLWAY
KAYLA comes out from the medical lab to meet BO, HOPE, SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA who have been waiting just outside the door.
How is he?
Well, he's in critical but stable condition right now.
Can I go in and see him?
Yes, of course. Just don't upset him. Please.
(as he pushes his way past everyone to go inside the lab)
If you’ll excuse me.
BO enters the medical lab and the door closes behind him.
(looking at the medical lab to make sure Bo cannot hear) it just me, or does anyone else think he's acting really strange?
I thought so too. But maybe he’s just in shock with everything that's happened. It's a lot to take in.
Hope’s probably right. I’m gonna go call my mom and let her know we found dad.
Mind if I go with you? I’d like to speak with her. I need to know if they found any new information on EJ.
(to Shane)
I’ll stay here – just in case Bo comes back out.
SHANE walks over and kisses KIMBERLY on the forehead before exiting. CHELSEA follows Shane out.
I think I’ll go back inside and check on Bo and Victor.
Hey sweetness – send doc Rolf out here, will ya? I wanna have a chat with him.
Only if you promise not to lose your temper on him.
(with a smile)
I’ll try my best.
(with a wink and a smile as she goes into the lab)
You’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
(smugly to Kayla who has already left)
I don’t want flies. I want answers.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing
Rolf, I’ll stay here with Bo and Victor for a while. Why don’t you take a break. Hope and Steve would like to speak with you.
Dr. Rolf
(swallowing hard)
I think maybe I should stay in here - just in case Victor or Bo needs me.
That’s not necessary, really. I’m here. You can go.
DR. ROLF steps over to BO.
Dr. Rolf
(patting Bo on the shoulder)
Should you need me, I'll be right outside.
Is dad going to be OK?
dr. rolf
I think so. We have him stable now. You can talk to him. He may be able to hear you.
OK. Thank you.
(impatiently to Dr. Rolf)
I’ll take it from here.
DR. ROLF turns to leave and sees everyone staring through the lab window at him. His face fills with a look of dread. He pauses, not wanting to face the Brady family. He gathers his thoughts and slowly exits the medical lab into the hallway.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing – HALLWAY
Even before the lab door closes behind DR. ROLF, STEVE aggressively confronts him. Steve grabs Dr. Rolf by the lab coat lapels and pulls him so that they are nose to nose.
You are going to explain everything that has happened here. Everything! Do you understand me?  And if I feel you’re not being honest with me...well, you may just end up lying right there next to Vic.
(sarcastically, to herself)
So much for the honey.
HOPE rushes over to STEVE’S side to join in on the conversation.
Start from the beginning when we thought Bo had died in Salem.
DR. ROLF is wide-eyed and silent. STEVE gives him a shake.
You heard the pretty lady.
(raising his voice)
Now talk!
Dr. Rolf
OK, OK! Bo had come to Victor to tell him about his diagnosis. Victor told him he thought there may be a way to help him – me.
(pause as everyone is taking in the information)
You see, I was never actually dead. Victor had taken me from Stefano to use for his own interests. But he knew that Stefano would never stop looking for he used one of Stefano’s old tricks - he faked  my death.
We could care less about you and your fake death, or how Victor found you, paid for you, kidnapped you, whatever! All we want to hear from you is what happened to Bo, got it? You’re not so smart for a doctor are you?
There's that vinegar again.
Rolf, please continue. Start from where Bo went to see Victor, but leave the Stefano stuff out of it. We don't need that information.
Does she need to repeat herself?
Dr. Rolf
OK, OK. So Bo had come to see Victor, as I said. And Victor told Bo about coming here to Greece for surgery...that there were risks involved.  When Bo arrived here, he didn't know it was me who would be performing the surgery.  
At first he was hesitant. But Victor was able to convince him it was his best chance at a full recovery. Bo agreed, but on one condition. Bo made it very clear that he didn't want any of you to know about the surgery.
(lunging at Dr. Rolf, pointing a finger into his face)
Bull! That's total bull! My dad would never want to hurt my mom like that.
(grabbing Shawn’s shoulders)
Shawn, honey, let him finish. I want to hear what he has to say.
dr. rolf
He didn't want any of you to know because he wasn't sure if the surgery would be a success...if he would even survive the surgery. And if he did survive, we weren’t sure he would ever be the same after.
(almost trying to convince herself so that it all makes sense)
The tumor was large. Even Kayla felt the odds were stacked against him.
Dr. Rolf
That is correct. But Bo decided to go ahead with the surgery, despite all the risks. I was able to remove the tumor, but it was very touch and go. And as you can see, Bo survived. It was nothing short of a miracle. After all he had been through...being held prisoner for many years before coming back to Salem...even I was surprised he had any fight left in him.
HOPE, KIM, and CIARA are all crying.
OK, so what happened after that?
The recovery process was long and painful. The first year, Bo had to learn to do everything from scratch again. I had to teach him to walk, talk, feed himself...he was basically like an infant.
And he had no recollection of anything. No memories of anyone. It was all gone.
My God. He’s been through so much. Too much.
KIMBERLY and CIARA have now gathered on either side of HOPE for support. All three are crying.
(in a daze, wiping her tears)
The pictures my aunt Maggie had me give to Victor...that's what they were for. You were trying to get Bo to remember.
dr. rolf
Yes, yes. Not much has come back yet. He's had a couple of memories, but they are just small glimpses. We cannot force it or stress him in any way. It may have the opposite effect and slow his progress. And now with Victor...I’m afraid this could cause a serious setback.
But he remembered Victor?
Dr. Rolf
No, no. I had to fill all of that in for him. He only knows that Victor is his father. He doesn't have any of the details of their relationship. You see, by removing a tumor of that size, we knew there would be some collateral damage to Bo’s brain. He lost a lot of function and most of his memories. He is not the same Bo you used to know...but I've been slowly trying to bring him back.
What do you want – a thank you?
STEVE grabs DR. ROLF by the lab coat collar with one hand and cocks his other fist. HOPE jumps between them, facing Steve, and looks him in the eye.
Steve! Killing him won’t solve anything. Steve, Steve! Look at me!
(finally getting Steve’s attention)
All that matters right now is that Bo’s alive. We’re all going to help him now.
STEVE looks at HOPE who has tears in her eyes. He lowers his fist and releases his grasp on DR. ROLF. Hope hugs Steve.
(to Dr. Rolf)
Listen, I think it's best you find somewhere else to sleep tonight.
Dr. Rolf
I’m not sure what you mean. What’s wrong with my bedroom?
All the bedrooms are taken - by the Brady’s. And we prefer not to run into you the rest of the evening, so you’ll be staying elsewhere. I don’t care long as it’s not in this house. And you can take those other 2 goons with you when you go.
Dr. Rolf
This is absurd. What if Victor should need me?
He's in perfectly capable hands with my wife.
Dr. Rolf
But where will I go at this hour?
Well, why don’t you grow some sea legs and hop on board that beautiful yacht down by the dock. If we need you, we’ll come get you.
DR. ROLF realizes he's not going to get anywhere arguing with them.
Dr. Rolf
Fine. I'll be on the yacht. Please be sure to alert me if Victor or Bo needs me.
We’ll be taking care of Bo from here on out. Please, just go.
DR. ROLF recognizes that look of anger in HOPE’S eyes. He's seen it many times before and knows he must leave now. Dr. Rolf exits and we see a W/S of the Brady family gathered around the window, looking into the lab at BO and VICTOR.