Episode 25
int. victor’s greek yacht
Inside the yacht, DR. ROLF has just entered to find TONY and EJ confronting him with weapons drawn.
Father would be so disappointed in you, Doctor Rolf. So very, very disappointed.
dr. rolf
But I, I haven't done anything wrong. And if your father was here he may even commend me! I did some of my finest work saving Bo.  No other doctor in the world could have done what I did.
You are a joke. Our father would never want you to help save any Brady. And now you are working for Kiriakis. Do you even know what he did to me?
dr. rolf
Your father may have hated the Brady’s, but he certainly had interesting ways of dealing with them. Look what he did to Hope when he brainwashed her.
Is that what you've been doing with Bo? Please tell me you’ve concocted some intricate plan to bring them down.
dr. rolf
No, no, I have not had the opportunity. You see, Bo’s tumor was so large and so embedded in his brain tissue, it was a very dangerous surgery. He barely made it through.
I see. So what good is having you around if you aren't going to help us destroy the Brady’s? That was father's ultimate goal.
And don’t forget Kiriakis. I want that S.O.B.
dr. rolf
Victor had a heart attack tonight.
Well, it looks like I may not have to take care of Victor after all.
dr. rolf
He was in critical but stable condition when the Brady’s kicked me out.
What do you mean, ‘kicked you out’? They need a doctor. That doesn’t make any sense.
dr. rolf
Kayla Brady is here. She assisted me with Victor. Hope and Steve  made it clear that Kayla would be taking care of Victor now. They kicked me out of the house. After all I've done...what right do they have!
They don't trust you. I’m not sure we can trust you either.
TONY leans in close to DR. ROLF, who recoils as Tony stares into his eyes.
I don't know if I trust him either.
EJ plays with the large kitchen knife in his hand. EJ gets up and stands next to TONY, backing DR. ROLF into the wall.
dr. rolf
Wait! Wait! I can help you! I can help you both!
EJ and TONY look at each other, then turn back to DR. ROLF.
Do tell.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing – hallway
SHANE and STEVE are about to exit down the tunnel and make their way to the yacht when they are stopped by KIMBERLEY and KAYLA returning from upstairs.
Where are you two going?
They’re up to something, and I don’t like it.
I thought you two were sleeping, or getting something to eat, or something.
I tried, but I couldn't sleep. I was coming down to get some tea and ran into Kim, who couldn’t sleep either, so we figured we’d go together.
A spot of tea sounds lovely. You ladies should definitely do that.
Are you trying to get rid of us?
Now why would we do that?
OK you two – what’s going on? What are you not telling us?
I don't know what you are talking about. Steve and I were just getting caught up.
That's right, sweetness.
Well, I think that's enough catching up for today.
I agree. Come on now – let’s all go have some tea.
KIMBERLY extends her hand to Shane for him to hold hands and follow. KAYLA does the same to STEVE.
And then we’re all heading to bed. It's almost 3 a.m!
Can I have a beer instead of tea?
(giving in to Steve)
Fine. Now come on.
KIMBERLY, SHANE, KAYLA, and STEVE exit towards the kitchen.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing
HOPE is asleep on the extra hospital bed set up in the corner of the room. BO is at VICTOR’S side.
Dad? Dad, can you hear me? I hope you can. Hope says you’re a fighter and that you’re going to be OK.  When she says it, I believe it.
At that moment HOPE moans a bit and stirs in her sleep. BO leaves VICTOR’S side and goes over to Hope. He stands there looking at her. He thinks about how beautiful she is. He grabs the chair he was sitting in and quietly turns it around to sit by Hope’s side. He gently takes Hope’s hand in his without waking her and leans down to kiss it. He sees the wedding band on her finger and a new memory flashes into Bo’s mind. He freezes and closes his eyes in thought as we see a flashback.
Flashback to March 4, 1985 (original footage) of BO putting a ring on HOPE’S finger and proposing to her as she lies in the hospital with a gunshot wound.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical wing – present

BO opens his eyes from the memory to see that HOPE has just opened her eyes. Tears well up in Bo’s eyes as he looks at her.
What's wrong, BO? Is Victor OK?
I, I just saw you in a hospital bed. You were sleeping. You  looked so peaceful and beautiful – just like now. I took your hand in mine and I placed this ring on your finger.
BO looks down at the ring HOPE has on her finger now. Hope’s eyes light up at the memory and happy tears fill her eyes.
That's the day you asked me to marry you. Do you remember that?
(pause in thought)
Yes, I guess I do. I just wasn't sure if that was a real memory.
HOPE sits up and swings her legs onto the floor, sitting face to face with BO. She puts her hands on his knees and looks into his eyes with happy tears running down her face.  
That was a real memory, Brady.
HOPE puts her hands on BO’S face and smiles. Hope leans in and the two hug. Bo is comforted by her embrace and is so happy she is here with him.