episode 5
Int. Brady house – early morning
HOPE is sitting on her couch in front of a pile of papers and photographs strewn across the coffee table. The blueprints are no longer on the wall. Hope is intensely focused, holding an open file in one hand and her glasses in the other. She is dishevelled and wearing the same clothes as yesterday. There is a knock on her door but it immediately opens before Hope even reacts. STEVE, SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, and ABE come pouring in. Roman is carrying a tray of coffee cups.
Morning! Kayla had to make a quick stop at the hospital, but she’s on her way.
STEVE, SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, and ABE take off their jackets, and Kimberly approaches HOPE who is still sitting on the couch thinking.
Hope, honey, are you ok? You look exhausted. Did you get any sleep?
(snapping out of her thoughts)
Oh hey. Not really.
(holding out a coffee from his tray to give to Hope)
Bet you could use some of ma’s coffee.
Thanks Roman.
W/S of the room where we see SHANE and ABE in the B/G looking at the blank wall where the blueprints used to be. HOPE notices them.
In case you’re wondering, I moved all the blueprints upstairs. With Maggie showing up yesterday like she did...that was just way too close. I don’t want anyone else walking in and finding out what we’re up to.
Probably a good idea.
KIMBERLY sits down on the couch next to HOPE. She looks at Hope with concern in her eyes.
I couldn’t sleep. I started going through these pictures...Maggie wanted some for a family photo album or something...and I, I just could stop looking at them...looking at Bo. I’m even more convinced that he’s out there, Kim.  We’ve got to find him.
We will, hon...we will.
Have you eaten anything? Roman brought some biscuits from the pub.
Thanks - I’m OK. I met Aunt Maggie for breakfast to give her some of the pictures.
Are you sure? They’re your favorite.
No thanks. Don’t worry about me. I just want to get moving on those 3 properties that Maggie doesn’t know much about.
Good job narrowing it down to 3, Hope. So that leaves us with a vineyard in Italy, a mansion in Dubai, and the family estate in Greece.   
(pulling out papers & photos)
Steve and I talked to Billie this morning. She sent a list of employee names for each estate along with their pictures. They all have the usual groundskeepers, maintenance workers, and housekeepers...except one.
(CU photo of the family estate in Greece)
The family estate also has a bunch of security guards on the payroll.
If that’s not a red flag, I don’t know what is.
STEVE, SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, ABE, and HOPE all look through the list and the pictures to see if they recognize anyone.
Do any of them look familiar?

STEVE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, and ABE shake their heads no as they continue to pass the photos around.
OK so we were thinking about splitting up, right?  Well I suggest we split into 3 groups and hit each house at the same time. That way they can’t warn each other and NO ONE will see it coming. 
Good plan. Kimberly and I will coordinate the flights.
And we have to decide who goes where.
Suddenly the front door opens and in walks SHAWN. STEVE, SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, ABE, and HOPE all look at Shawn like deer in the headlights and at a loss for words.  
Hey. What’s goin’ on?
HOPE looks at SHAWN with a raised eyebrow.
int. victor’s mansion
MAGGIE joins VICTOR on the couch.
How is Phillip?
He’s fine.
(trying to quickly change the topic)
You were up and at‘em early this morning.
Hope and I met for breakfast. She gave me all these pictures.
VICTOR thumbs through the photographs.
These are fantastic. Thank you Maggie. How is Hope?
Well, she seems OK. Although I think looking through all those pictures may have upset her a little. I feel badly. I hope it wasn’t too hard for her.
Hope’s a tough cookie. Actually, I think it had the opposite effect. I think it probably made Hope happy to relive so many wonderful memories.
Yes, you’re probably right. She just doesn’t seem herself lately. She still misses Bo. I can understand that kind of pain.
I know you do. But I hope that you’re happy here Maggie. And I want you to know that I would never try to replace Mickey.
(giving Victor a big hug)
I know. I love you...and yes, I’m happy here with you.
(snapping out of the moment to prevent welling tears from falling)
Enough. I’ve got to get to the hospital. I’m going to be late.
MAGGIE grabs her coat and bag and starts to put on her coat.
Volunteering again today? You know your heart is too big.
(with a smile)
Aren’t you lucky then.
(pauses at the door)
Will you be home for dinner?
Yes, I’m working from home today. I just have a few business calls and e-mails...shouldn’t take long.
Great. I’ll see you for dinner.
MAGGIE exits. VICTOR picks up the phone and calls DR. ROLF (OS).
I've got the photos. I’ll scan them and send them over to you. I'll also be coming out to check up on Bo soon. I just need to figure out what to tell Maggie so I can get away for at least a week without making her suspicious.