Episode 6
int. brady house
SHAWN has walked in on STEVE, SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, ABE, and HOPE making plans to find Bo. 
Shawn, honey! I am so happy to see you!
HOPE gives SHAWN a big hug.
I didn't know you were coming into town. Is Belle with you?
Yeah, she’s over at John and Marlena’s and then she’s going to drop in to see Claire. What's going on here? This is quite the get together.
Uh, we were just having a little family reunion since Uncle Steve, Uncle Shane and Aunt Kim are back in town!
Mom – do you really expect me to buy that? There’s something else going on here. And don't bother lying about it – I know when you’re not telling me the truth. What are you trying to hide?
STEVE, SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, and ABE stand there silently looking at the ground and each other. HOPE’s mind is racing. She hates to lie, it is not her style, but she doesn't want to put Shawn in danger.
Mom...Uncle Steve...Uncle Shane...  why are you all so damn quiet?
(getting agitated)
What the hell is going on here?  I’m not going to leave until you tell me exactly what's going on!
The tension is broken by the doorbell ringing.
Let me get that!
Don’t think you’re being saved by the bell, mom. This conversation is far from over.
HOPE opens the front door to reveal CHELSEA who barges right past Hope.
Hey Hope!  I got here as fast as I could. What can I do to help find Dad?
SHAWN looks at HOPE in disbelief.
int. victor’s mansion
VICTOR is sitting at the coffee table making plans to visit Bo. He gathers some papers and packs them into his briefcase.
(to himself)
If I tell Maggie this a last-minute business trip, she won’t have enough time to reschedule her volunteer shifts at the hospital.

We see a CU of VICTOR’s hands putting the stack of family photos in his briefcase.
The less she knows the better.
INT. one of victor’s other mansions - foreign country
Over-the-shoulder shot of DR. ROLF sitting at his computer. We see those same family photos pop up on his screen.
dr. rolf
Bo, come here! You must sit down and take a look at some of these photographs. Tell me if any of them look familiar.
BO enters and sits in the empty chair beside DR. ROLF at the computer. We see a CU of the pictures flashing up on the screen one by one. CU of Bo’s face trying hard to remember.
(with disappointment and a little frustration)
dr. Rolf
Take your time, Bo. Go through them again and look at each one slowly. There’s no need to rush.
BO lands on a picture of himself, Hope, and baby Shawn. CU Bo’s face as he suddenly remembers.
int. university hospital – delivery room - flashback
Flashback to April 6, 1987 (original footage) of Shawn’s birth and BO fainting in the delivery room.
INT. one of victor’s other mansions - foreign country - present
CU BO’s face.  He smiles with a little chuckle.
dr. rolf
Bo? Bo? Did you just remember something?  You were laughing.
I think...I think I remembered something... I, I saw myself...with them.
(pointing to the picture on the computer screen)
We were in the hospital...and she...was having a baby.
(with uncertainty and a little laughter)
I think I fainted.
 dr. rolf
She is your wife – Hope. I've told you that before. And that baby is Shawn Douglas.
DR. ROLF clicks through the pictures on the computer screen in front of BO until he finds a recent picture of SHAWN.
Dr. Rolf
He is your first born son.
So that memory...that's real?
dr. rolf
Yes, Bo. Yes it is.
CU BO’s face as he tries to process the memory.
WIPE to:
Split screen – int. victor’s foreign mansion – int. brady house
Split screen of a CU of BO’s face (LS), and a CU of Shawn’s face in disbelief (RS).