Episode 7
Int. Brady House
STEVE, SHANE, KIMBERLY, ROMAN, ABE, HOPE, and SHAWN are standing in the living room looking at CHELSEA who has just walked in the door with a suitcase. CU of Shawn’s look of disbelief.
Chelsea? Mom - what the hell is she talking about?
Chelsea puts down her suitcase and takes her coat off.
(deflecting Shawn’s question)
Wow this is some crowd!
Shawn looks at Chelsea’s suitcase, then at Hope.
OK, that's it. Now I know something’s going on. So you better tell me what the hell it is.

int. brady house - later
Hope had no choice but to explain, and along with everyone else's help, catches Shawn up to speed.
So mom, when were you planning on letting me in on this? I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m a grown man and I don't need protecting.
I’m sorry honey, I didn't want to put you in any danger...and I certainly didn’t want you to feel like you had to drop everything and come running to Salem if you and Belle weren't prepared to do that.
Mom, I love you for trying to protect me, but I want in on this.  If dad is alive then I want to help find him.
Of course, honey. I’m so sorry I didn't tell you.
HOPE gives SHAWN a gentle hug.
It's ok mom.
Now that I’m up to speed, what’s our next move? Uncle Shane – were you able to book those flights?
Yep. Our flights leave in 2 days. We should get our itineraries shortly. Billie is coordinating our arrival times and arranging for ground transportation once we arrive. She’s also emailing everyone digital copies of all the documentation - the blueprints as well as employee names and pictures - so we have the information with us.
Great. So now we need to decide how we’re going to split up.
I think I should take the house in Greece with the security guards. Chelsea and Shawn can come with me - being family, we may have an easier time with security than the rest of you.
Sounds good. Shane – why don’t you and Kim come with me to Dubai. Steve – Kay – you two head to Italy.
You got it. Everyone better take care of any last minute business around here. We’ve only got 48 hours before we leave and we don't know how long we’ll be gone - or what we’re up be prepared for anything.
Int. brady pub
BELLE is sitting at a table drinking coffee inside the busy pub. SHAWN enters, gives Belle a kiss on the cheek and sits down at the table across from her.
So what is all this about your dad?  Why couldn’t you just tell me over the phone? Is he really alive?
My mom definitely thinks so. I really can’t go into details...but if there’s a possibility that it could be true, I have to help my mom look for him.
But how?  Where?
We’re not sure. We’ve got a few leads so Roman, Shane, Kim, Steve, Kayla, Chelsea, my mom and I are all going to go check them out.
Sounds like it could be dangerous. Do you think Stefano had anything to do with it?
We don’t really know anything at this point...but we leave in 2 days.
What? How long will you be gone for?
I’m not sure.
(pause as he looks at Belle’s disappointed face)
Don’t worry Belle. I’ll be back before you know it.
Shawn, promise me you’ll be careful.
I promise.
(he gives her a loving smile then asserts)
You have to promise me that you won’t mention any of this to your mom and John. Your mom is still recovering and I don’t want John leaving her to come help us.
And let’s not mention this to Claire either. The fewer the people that know – the better.
Int. Brady House – hope’s bedroom
HOPE is packing a suitcase which is open on the bed.
What am I going to tell Ciara? I have to tell her that I’ve stepped down from the Commissioner’s position. And sooner or later she’s going to find out about Rafe? The last thing I want is for her to get hurt.
int. brady house – living room
CIARA arrives home and walks into an empty living room. She proceeds to take off her coat.
 (with raised voice)
(pause when no one answers)
Int. Brady House – Hope’s Bedroom
HOPE continues to pack – unaware that CIARA has arrived home. Ciara makes her way upstairs and enters Hope’s bedroom, where she finds her packing a suitcase. Ciara closes the door behind her and sees the blueprints on the wall where the open door was.
Hey. What’s going on? Are you working on a case?
Oh hey honey! You could say that.
CIARA watches as HOPE continues to pack.
You’re home early. I wasn’t expecting you until lunch.
Where are you going? I didn’t think you travelled for work anymore since you became the commissioner?
Well...speaking of the commissioner job...there’s something I need to tell you.
What is it?
I kind of stepped down...and I’m hoping Abe will take my place.
What??? You loved that job!  Why would you do that? What is going on here?
What do you mean?
Mom, cut the crap. You left your job, you’re packing bags...and what the hell are all these blueprints doing up on the wall?
Ciara Alice! 
Whatever it is you’re up to, mom, I want in.
HOPE is not sure what to say and starts taking the blueprints down from the wall.
The blueprints were...I was working on a case...I guess they need to go back to the station.
Really, mom? You’re lying and I know it.
Ciara, I...
Mom, I am not a kid anymore. I’m a grown woman. I deserve to know what the hell is going on here.
You’re right, Ciara. I'll tell you everything – but I won’t have you getting involved.
int. brady house – stairway – hall outside hope’s bedroom - later
We see CHELSEA walking up the stairs with papers in her hand. She knocks on HOPE’S bedroom door.
(talking loudly through the closed door)
Hope – my mom sent our itinerary.
int. brady house – hope’s bedroom
HOPE looks at CIARA who is shocked and a little angry that CHELSEA is already in on the plan.
(talking loudly to Chelsea OS behind the closed door)
Thanks Chelsea. I’ll be right out.
Chelsea’s here?  And she’s going with you?
It’s different – you’re my daughter.
(pause as she packs up her suitcase)
Truthfully, I don’t think your dad would want either one of his girls putting herself in danger.
Or his wife! If you two are going – then I’m going. No arguments. You are not going to stop me. I need to help find dad.
(with a smile)
I guess we’ll be needing another ticket. 
INT. one of victor’s other mansions - greece
DR. ROLF is sitting at a computer, working and listening to music. BO enters. Bo recognizes the music and suddenly has a flashback.
Int. Blondie’s - flashback
Flashback to December 29, 1983 (original footage) of HOPE’S 18th birthday party at Blondie’s. BO & Hope are dancing to “Tonight I Celebrate My Love”.
Int. one of victor’s other mansions – greece – present
CU BO’S face as he smiles while remembering the dance. DR. ROLF turns to see Bo’s smiling face.
dr. rolf
Good morning Bo. You are looking  awfully happy this morning.
I like this song. I remember dancing to it with Hope.
dr. rolf
You have had another memory - this is wonderful news!
Yes, yes it is.
fade to:
split screen - int. Blondie’s – int. greek mansion present
Flashbacks to Dec 29 1983 (original footage) of BO & HOPE dancing at Blondie’s (LS), while we also see a CU of BO’s smiling face as he remembers (RS).