Episode 8
Int. Victor’s greeK MANSION - foyer
VICTOR and one of his henchmen, NICO, enter. Nico is carrying suitcases.
Nico – you can put my bags upstairs.
NICO proceeds up a staircase and OS with the suitcases.
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical lab
BO is seated in front of a computer.  DR. ROLF is looking over his shoulder at the screen. VICTOR enters. Bo smiles and stands up and gives him a big hug.
Dad – you made it! I’m so glad you came.
Of course I did, son. I promised you I would.
int. airport – greece
Meanwhile, after their flight, we see HOPE, CIARA, SHAWN and CHELSEA arrive inside the airport terminal in Greece. They gather with their luggage to regroup. Shawn is on his cell phone in the BG. CU Hope stops with a blank look on her face.  She has another vision. We see a man's hands, then the back of his head, then a necklace. Hope snaps out of the trance and tries to focus on the task at hand.
Chelsea, do you have the itinerary? Your mom should have a car waiting for us. Does anyone know what time it is?
I’ve got it. Don’t worry Hope – we’re on time. The car should be here any minute.
OK good. Timing is crucial, remember. We need to hit all three estates at the same time so that nobody sees it coming.
(talking to his cell phone)
Good luck.
(hanging up his phone and approaching the group)
I just talked to Steve. He and Kayla just landed in Italy. Roman texted that they’re in Dubai and on their way to Victor’s estate already.
Great. Let’s go find the car.
CIARA, SHAWN and CHELSEA exit with their luggage.
(to herself)
I’m coming Brady. I know in my heart you’re out there. We’re going to find you. Hang on. Just hang on Brady.
HOPE exits with luggage.
ext. victor’s greek mansion – front door
HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA and CHELSEA arrive at the front door.
What do you think we should do?
I say we just knock.
Nothing like the direct approach. What have we got to lose?
(visibly nervous)
OK. Here goes nothing.
HOPE rings the door bell. 
int. victor’s greek mansion – medical lab
Victor is seated in a chair. BO is sitting on the bed. They have been talking and looking through photographs. DR. ROLF is inspecting equipment in the BG. We hear an audible alert in the lab and Dr. Rolf rushes to the computer.
What is it?
dr. Rolf
We’ve got visitors.
We see a CU of the computer screen showing the security camera footage. VICTOR approaches and looks over DR. ROLF’S shoulder at the computer. Suddenly a security guard bursts into the room.
security guard
Boss – we’ve got company.
So I see.
(in a quiet tone so that Bo can’t hear) What in the devil is she doing here?
dr. rolf
She must have followed you when-
Never mind that. We’ve got to get down to the tunnels.
(to the security guard)
Once we’ve gone, invite them in. They can look around.
Dr. Rolf
But Victor-
They won’t find anything.
BO looks up from the photographs in his hand with concern on his face.
What’s going on?
Nothing you need to concern yourself with. We’re just going to head down to the tunnels as a precaution.
A precaution? From what?
Just trust me, son. Let’s go.
DR. ROLF, VICTOR, and BO exit.
int. victor’s greek mansion – front foyer
HOPE, CIARA, CHELSEA and SHAWN are waiting. The security guard enters.
security guard
Welcome to the Kiriakis mansion. Feel free to make yourself at home. Will you be staying with us?
Thank you. We don’t have any plans to...but you never know.
CIARA, CHELSEA and SHAWN walk past the security guard, excited to have the opportunity to look around. HOPE hurries after them.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
Down in a dark tunnel, BO is visibly upset. He is pacing back and forth, wringing his hands. Suddenly he stops cold. He has a flashback.
int. tunnels - flashback
Flashback from July 13, 1984 (original footage) of Mrs. Horton reuniting BO & HOPE in the tunnels.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels - present
CU BO’S face.

CU of DR. ROLF and VICTOR reacting to BO’s outburst.