Episode 9
ext. victor’s italian vineyard
STEVE and KAYLA pull up to the entrance of the long, narrow laneway of the winery estate in Italy. There are large trees lining the laneway and the entrance is guarded by two menacing marble statues on either side. They hop out of the car, nervously looking around.  
I don't like this, Steve. I have a bad feeling.
Come on sweetness, you’re with me. The patch man is going to protect you.
KAYLA smiles and rolls her eyes. STEVE walks cautiously past the marble statues and up the laneway where he comes to a large hedge row obstructing the view of the estate. He turns and motions to Kayla who has not moved. Kayla runs up to Steve who is now peeking around the hedge row at the vineyard off in the distance. Steve pulls out his binoculars and sees 4 male WORKERS picking grapes in the vineyard. We see what Steve is seeing through the binoculars. The image is fairly distant and out of focus. We can see the workers, but not well enough to recognize their faces.
(handing Kayla the binoculars)
Take a look at all those guys picking grapes down there and tell me if you notice something weird about one of them. 
KAYLA looks through the binoculars for a few seconds. We see what Kayla is seeing through the binoculars as she pans across the workers. She stops on the image of the 3rd worker standing over the 4th worker, who is shackled. The SHACKLED MAN has long hair and a bushy beard. He is very dirty and appears somewhat submissive and defeated in his mannerisms.
Are those shackles?
Don’t you think that's a bit odd that one of Victor’s field workers is shackled at the wrists and ankles?
Well, we put prisoners to work in farm fields and along the side of the highway. Maybe they’re on prison detail?
If that were the case, don’t you think they’d all be shackled? Why only one of them? It doesn’t make any sense.
(grabbing the binoculars and taking another look)
No...there's more going on here than meets the eye.
We see what STEVE is seeing through binoculars. One of the WORKERS pushes the SHACKLED MAN and angrily motions for him to work faster.
OK – here’s the plan. We’re gonna head up to the house and tell them that our car broke down...and that our cell phones are dead. We’ll ask them if we can use their phone.
Got it.
Turn on that transmitter that Billie gave us...
 (gesturing to the tiny pin on Kayla’s jacket lapel) will send a live feed directly back to ISA headquarters, so she’ll be able to see everything we’re seeing.
KAYLA fidgets with the tiny camera on her jacket.
Ready sweetness?
(with nervous hesitation)
Ready as I’ll ever be.
STEVE and KAYLA exit up the laneway.
int. victor’s greek mansion – PARLOUR
HOPE, CIARA , SHAWN and CHELSEA are searching Victor’s mansion. Security guards are keeping a close eye on the search. The head security guard, HIGGINS, is nervously watching Hope as she looks through a desk drawer.
Mrs. Brady, do you know how long you will be staying with us?
I’m not quite sure...what was your name again?
Higgins, they call me Higgins.
Well Higgins, we’re going to be looking around for a while...and we really don't need you breathing down our necks, so why don't you take a hike.
(with a sly smile and sarcastic tone)
Sorry...’please’ take a hike.
Should you need anything, please give a shout, we will be right around the corner.
Thank you, Higgins.
HIGGINS exits the room. Once Higgins is out of sight, SHAWN starts to impersonate the uptight guard. CIARA & CHELSEA laugh and even HOPE chuckles at Shawn’s impersonation.
OK you three, that's it...come on,  we need to do a thorough search of this place, room by room – we don’t want to miss anything. But we’ll do it together. I don't want anyone splitting up. Understood?
CIARA, CHELSEA, and SHAWN sense the gravity in HOPE’S voice. Their smiles quickly fade as they nod in agreement.
Let’s head upstairs and knock off the top floor. Then we’ll work our way down.
int. victor’s greek mansion – UPSTAIRS BEDROOM – LATER
We see the inside of the closet which is completely bare.
(with frustration, slamming the closet door)
Nothing! It doesn’t look like anybody’s been here for years.
Geez – I think this place is  bigger than Buckingham Palace!
No, but it’s close. Your dad and I have been there, you know. We were invited by the queen.
HOPE smiles as she remembers.
ext. london, england - flashback
Flashbacks from May 15-28, 1985 (original footage). Various clips of BO & HOPE’s adventure in London, England where they were married.
int. victor’s greek mansion – UPSTAIRS BEDROOM – present
We sure had some crazy adventures back then.
(pause as she snaps back to the task at hand)
Alright - let’s keep going. There’s one more bedroom to check up here.
int. victor’s greek mansion – bedroom
This bedroom is the same “Foreign Bedroom” that we’ve seen since Episode 1. 
HOPE, CIARA, SHAWN, and CHELSEA enter the last bedroom of the mansion. Ciara, Shawn, and Chelsea immediately start searching. Hope stands frozen at the doorway. She has a vision. We see a man's hands, then the back of his head, then a necklace. Hope snaps out of the trance.
He’s been here.
Who’s been here?
Your dad’s been here – I can feel it.
CIARA, SHAWN, and CHELSEA look at one another in shock. HOPE slowly walks to the window to look outside. She sees the ocean and has the same memory BO had a couple days ago.
ext. fancy face – boat deck - flashback
Flashback to 1987 of Bo and Hope sailing on the Fancy Face. We see a close-up of the boat name.
int. victor’s greek mansion – bedroom - PRESENT
HOPE closes her eyes and smiles. Meanwhile, SHAWN opens the closet and finds it full of clothing.
Hey look!  It’s full of clothes!
HOPE rushes over and palms through the hanging shirts. She bends down to pick up a pair of shoes at the bottom of the closet. She turns them over.
The left shoe is size 11, and the right is size 11 and a half...
...just like Bo’s.
int. victor’s greek mansion – tunnels
DR. ROLF and VICTOR, are both pacing & feeling anxious in the tunnels. BO is standing in a corner looking confused and a little concerned.
Dr. Rolf
Victor - it's been over 2 hours now. When are they going to leave?
Stop worrying. You’re making us all nervous. I told you - they won't find anything here, then they’ll leave. Let them search all they want.
Why do we have to stay down here anyway? I want to go back upstairs to my room.
It’s OK, son. There’s nothing to worry about – I’m here.
VICTOR gives an angry look at DR. ROLF for upsetting BO.
ext. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – front entrance
SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN step up to the grand entrance of Victor’s palace in Dubai. Shane has the list of employees in hand. Roman pulls the blueprints out of the inside pocket of his jacket. Shane knocks using the large cast-iron door knocker. They wait in silence. No answer. Roman knocks on the door more aggressively. They wait again.
Doesn’t seem like anyone’s home.
According to Billie’s list, there should be at least 6 people on staff here at the moment.
ROMAN tries the door handle. To their surprise – it’s unlocked.
Well, that’s strange.
Maybe they’ve got an open-door policy.
SHANE and ROMAN smile at each other.
I don’t know about this guys. Maybe we should just leave and try calling the house from the hotel.
No way, sis. We need to check the place out right now. We’ve got the element of surprise, remember?
Fine. But I still don't like it. This place gives me the creeps.
SHANE, ROMAN, and KIMBERLY slowly creep in through the palace door, which closes behind them.
int. victor’s DUBAI PALACE – secret room
In a dark room, we see a MYSTERY MAN sitting in a chair, his face obstructed by shadow. He is in a suit and has a glass of brandy in his hand. He is watching a bunch of security monitors on the wall. On the monitors, we see SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN entering the palace into the front foyer. The man lets out a chilling laugh.
mystery man
Welcome to Dubai my friends.
fade to:
Split screen – int. greek mansion – int. italian vineyard – int. dubai palace
A 3-way split screen: HOPE, SHAWN, CIARA, and CHELSEA looking at the shoes in Hope’s hands (LS), STEVE and KAYLA walking up to the front door of the Italian estate (C), and the security footage shot of SHANE, KIMBERLY, and ROMAN entering the Dubai palace (RS).